Dr Jack Kerruish leaves Africa hoping to become a country G.P. whilst Dr’s Beth Glover and Will Preston are looking for a partner to join their Derbyshire practice – The Beeches. Is Jack the man for the job?

Jack’s arrival affects all of the staff at The Beeches; Kim gets a promotion as Will feels on the outside and is Beth in danger of mixing her personal and professional life?

Whilst Beth takes a break, Jack’s relationship with a female patient puts the future of The Beeches in jeopardy. Meanwhile Will learns a terrible secret about Sarah.

Episode 4 – Roses Around the Door
New trainee Rhiann Lewis arrives at The Beeches increasing the tension between Jack and Beth. Whilst Isabel embarks on a new relationship – Jack and Will’s is falling apart.

Episode 5 – Impulsive Behaviour
Beth lets Jack and Rhiann’s blossoming relationship interfere with her work. Does she like Jack more then she is letting on? Does Jack feel the same? Do Rhiann and Jack have a future?

Has Jack bitten off more than he can chew when he rests a families hopes on a single operation? Is it the end for Will and Sarah? And is there a chance that Jack and Will are becoming good friends?

Jack and Beth are shocked when Will reveals he has committed a drugs trial fraud which has endangered the life of Alice North. Will they forgive him when they realise the true extent of Will’s problems?

An unexpected hero comes to the rescue when Chloe goes into labour. Meanwhile what does the future hold for Jack and Beth’s relationship and Will and Sarah’s marriage?