Series 11 Episode 6 – Prisoners of the Past

Kate holds a meeting with The Beeches staff. She says they need to discuss the provision of a locum and also work around any holidays they may have planned. Tom and Alex say they have cancelled all holidays until the summer and Will says they have all realised that now is not a good time to be taking holidays. Kate says that maybe people need to take time out for other reasons. Alex asks if this can be discussed at another time. Kate says it will have to be before the weekend as she is going away.

Tom gets a new neighbour, Yvonne. He welcomes her to Cardale by helping her to take her cases into her new home.

Will goes to pick Charlie up as they are going bowling. As Charlie gets ready Will waits in the kitchen with Kate. It’s nearly a year since Emily died and Kate is going to America for the anniversary, she asks Will if she should book him a ticket when she books she and Charlie’s. Will asks what they would do out there, Kate explains that it’s where Emily is and says she needs to visit her. Will tells her to deal with it her way and he will deal with it his, he says it’s a grave and Emily isn’t there. Kate says she doesn’t want to go on her own, but Will leaves as Charlie walks in on them.

KATE: Stop hiding behind some argument over your finances. You know this deserves more then some shoddy excuse

Yvonne arrives at The Beeches and is seen by Tom. She pries into his life and asks about his wife. He explains that Leanne is his nanny and that his other half died. Yvonne tells Tom she is a widow but now feels ready to find a new man. She says she wants plastic surgery to improve her looks. Tom is not convinced plastic surgery is right for her and tells she doesn’t need surgery as she looks fantastic.

Alex notices Will is down and she asks him what’s wrong. He tells her it’s a year next week since Emily died. He says Kate wants him to go to America with her but he says he can’t understand why she wants to go there. Alex tells him that just because he has lost someone it doesn’t mean that everything has to be meaningless.

Will gets involved in the plight of a nun, Sister Francis. She breaks her arm whilst in the convent and refuses to leave the convent to get it treated. Will tells her if the arm is not set into place she could lose it as the fracture is cutting off her blood supply. Will talks her round and drives her to the hospital. As they are travelling she has a panic attack and lashes out at Will making him lose control of the car. Will manages to stop the car and calms her panic attack. At the hospital the x-rays show more then just a fracture; Sister Francis has a cancerous tumour.

WILL: I don’t know how people can look at this world we live in and still think there is a God

Will tells Sister Francis about Emily. He says what happened to her makes him angry and says not a minute goes by when he doesn’t think about her. He explains that Kate wants to talk about it but says that he doesn’t see what good it will do them. Sister Francis tells Will that her parents were killed in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. She explains how she has never spoken to anyone about it.

Will visits Kate. He tells her he doesn’t want her going to America alone and wants to go with her. She says she’s not going anymore as she and Charlie have had a heart to heart and Charlie doesn’t want her traipsing around America pretending to be happy, if she can’t be happy he doesn’t see the point in them going. Kate asks Will if he’d like to come in for a chat but he says he can’t. She says she’s not going to torment him and tells him to go.

KATE: It’ll be written on our graves that little exchange. I say let’s talk, you say you’re sorry

Yvonne is making a point of coming to The Beeches to see Tom. He transfers her to Alex’s list and Alex soon realises that Yvonne has a crush on Tom. Tom later tells Yvonne that maybe they can be friends but they’ll never be more the that as he is not ready for a relationship and even if he was, it wouldn’t be with her.

ALEX: Talk to her. Tell her where she stands. Well it’s not that hard, she’s a woman. I’m sure she’ll understand if you’re angry with her it’s because you’re a bit confused and very scared of her
WILL: Was all of that aimed at me or some of it for you?

Sister Francis’ cancer has also spread to her lungs. Will is amazed at how she has hidden the symptoms from those closest to her. Sister Francis struggles to work out where her future lies and wonders if she should stay at the convent. Will tells her not to leave the people who care about her and need her. She asks if it is so wrong for her to be alone – why is it alright for him to be alone. She tells him he and Emily are still part of a family.

Tom and Alex talk about Yvonne. Alex tells Tom he has to begin to move on from Joanna. He tells her he wishes thing were not as complicated between them since their kiss and the situation with Mark.

Will joins Kate and Charlie on the peaks as they build a cairn for Emily. As he lays the final piece of the cairn, Kate looks at him and he puts his arm around her as they both shed tears for their daughter.

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